The Publisher/Graphic Designer Relationship (Part V)

Passion is what keeps us going at 3 AM on a project that is ‘done’, just not ‘finished’. It's what drives us to spend 3 hours creating the perfect Instagram post from our trip to grocery store instead of working on the paying gig that’s due tomorrow. Sometimes it's our BFF, other times? Less so. The pertinent question here is how are your designers putting their passion to work for them?

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Matt Paquette
The Publisher-Graphic Designer Relationship (Part I)

The relationship between a game publisher and graphic designer is a very intimate one. Often, graphic designers are involved in the project longer than most anyone else, as they can provide meaningful contributions throughout the entire game development process. As a publisher, you may not know what exactly to look for in your graphic designers. This series is meant to help familiarize you with the qualities you should look for and expect to find any graphic desingers whom you choose to work with.

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Matt Paquette
The Pros and Cons of Cons

Are you a budding professional in the industry? Are you wondering if the effort and costs of attending these events are worth it? In this blog I share my thoughts on it and offer some pros and cons you may want to consider before attending your next con.

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Matt Paquette